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Dermal Fillers

Where can dermal fillers be used?

Dermal fillers are used to replace facial volume in areas that are prone to age-related volume loss or to create facial balance by enhancing features. 

All dermal fillers used in Dr Wells Aesthetics clinic are made from a molecule called hyaluronic acid. This is a naturally occuring substance that exists within our skin layers. It is highly moisturising product in addtion to being able to add volume. Over time the hyaluronic acid from dermal fillers will intergrate with your own hyaluronic acid creating a softer, more natural result at around 4 weeks after treatment. 

Low volumes, in the correct areas and depth is key to creating natural results with this treatment. The effects of dermal fillers can be seen on the  day of treatment and will last to around 12 months, sometimes longer, after treatment. 

Here at Dr Wells Aesthetics we will advise you if fillers are the most suitable treatment for you or not, so if you are unsure book a consultation to discuss further the best approach. Here are some of the key areas we can use dermal fillers:

Upper Face:

Temple area

This is not commonly noticed by patients until they have a facial assessment with us, however volume loss in the temple area is a hallmark sign of ageing and revolumisation helps to reverse this in addtion to providing support to the upper eyelid and brow structures. 

Tear trough (under eye area) 

We have a strict selection criteria for treating this area with dermal filler, however in the right cohort of patients this treatment can have incredible results. In those people that are not suitable for hyaluronic acid treatments please refer to our page on polynucleotides for the under eye area.


Mid Face:


Volume loss at the front of the cheek, often refered to as the mid-face, is a really common effect of ageing tissue. This is due to bone loss, fat loss and skin thinning that all occur within ageing tissue. When we restore this volume with dermal fillers we can help to give a lifted appearence to the face - indirectly treating the under eye and nasolabial fold area. This is a beautiful treatment and we do alot of it! 


Nasolabial folds

These are the lines that run down from the side of the nose to the corners of the mouth, they tend to get deeper as we get older. We are not going to remove these lines with dermal filler as they are a natural part of the face, however by softening them, we can make them a less prominent facial feature and create a more youthfull appearence. 



Natural lip enhancements can have a facial balancing effect to harmonise the lips with the rest of the facial structures. We like to take a natural approach to lip treatments and often use smaller volumes to achieve results. We use a comination of needle and cannula techniques to achieve the best results. 

Lower Face:


This is another area that is often not thought about by patients until we highlight this, this is often due to it being a balancing of the profile. Chin enhancements indirectly have an effect on the rest of the jawline being more defined and enchance the look of the lips. 


Subtle enhancements at the angle of the jaw and along the jawline can create a more defined profile. We can also use fillers here to soften jowls and marrionette lines. 

How do I book a treatment?

If you have never had this treatment before we would stongly advise that you first book a medical aesthetics consultation so that we can reccomend if this is the right treatment option for you and run through the details of this treatment in person. 

Please see our link below on how to book this and see our dermal filler prices per ml required. The volume of dermal filler required for your treatment will be discussed at the consultation. 


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